Doris Martinez, a professional dancer and teacher was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1980 and from her early childhood she has been interested in music and dance. She studied at several dance schools including well-known Academy Teatro Carl. During her career she has been a member of multiple music/dance groups, with which she has participated on many festivals. She also performed in theatres around the world in the show La Habana En Colores.
In 1999 she settled down in Malaga, Spain, where she co-operated with a few dance ensembles, a year later she started to work with Latinos en Granada España, a company promoting Havana Club rum at discos and concerts around Spain. She has performed with the excellent band Los Van Van as well.
After some time, with a lot of positive feedback, she opened her own dance school Doris Martinez y La Clave de Osha in Malaga, Spain, and as a teacher and promoter of Afro-cuban culture she started to take part in international dance and cultural events. She has performed at big festivals such as Cubamemucho in Munich and other festivals (Nottingham, Miami, Budapest, Brazil, Spain, Stuttgart, Italy, Slovakia and Prague…)
Since 2009 she has lived in Prague. With her dance ensemble she accompanied Karel Gott on his tour of the Czech Republic in 2012 and 2013.
Doris has performed with masters of dance such as Alberto Valdes, Tomasito Santamaria, Roly Maden, Jorge Camagüey, Israel Gutierez.