Strip plastic

Grace, strength, energy

It’s not a secret how important for women are grace and plasticity.  Plastics lessons will teach you to feel your body, be more confident, reveal your inner beauty and teach you to move gracefully in any dance. Your hands will become more graceful,  attractive and confident, your look will be more charming. In addition to plasticity, these studies provide excellent load on all muscle groups, what is especially useful for improvement of your posture.

We invite you to our author’s course of “Strip plastic”, but beware, this course can change your life. You will discover a new yourself and learn about the possibilities of your body that you did not know about before!

And of course, we added some complex stretching exercises for the ease and decency of your dance.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

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Do you want to start dancing? It’s simple! Call us at:

+420 773 135 573

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